VIRAAM Funeral and Memorial Service
Pencil + Paper + Google + Coffee + A lot of my brain + Adobe Illustrator + Adobe Photoshop
A classroom project to be done individually to understand all about a brand and hence design for brands. I had a good but tough time coming up with visual experience of the brand. What I had in mind was to create the experience very simple, not so depressing and majorly nothing near intimidating. You will see that the brand language is derived from the illustrations made first to create the experience.

P.S. It was quite a job to tackle all sought of emotional sensitiveness related to a topic like death and funeral. Hence, I worked on a brand, which caters to only one Hindus. My audience here are the rich and affluent people of India ( Celebrities, Industrialists, Politicians etc. )

Illsutrations for visual language of the brand.
More illustrations to create the brand experience
Few more illustrations based on words and experiences like empathy, understanding, care, sympathy, support etc.
Visual Language on visiting cards
Visual Language on personal invitations
Viraam identity and visual language on envelops and other documents.
Personal bills being sent to the client with the list of services the client chose.
Bills with Visual Language 
Brochure as a direct mailer
Viraam Funeral and Memorial Services
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