Pencil + Paper + Coffee + Adobe Illustrator
A classroom project in semester 7. To make a Communication Campaign to make people aware of a newly launched treatment for Osteoarthritis (OA) by SBF Healthcare, B'lore.
 I started with finding the unique factors about this therapy through which I could sell the 
same to my audience which obviously included people suffering from OA, but also the
 people / relatives / friends of OA patients. 

My POA was to start by giving a brief idea to my audience about the therapy,  through newspaper advertisements which majorly are about the testimonials of people who already have taken the therapy and are happy about about it . The second stage comes when the unique facts about the therapy are given to the audience through magazine advertisements 
( Prevention Magazine, Women's Health Magazine ). The third stage is to give the audience details like HOW and WHY about the treatment in form of an infographic in magazines, at point of sale ie. hospitals and as direct mailers and brochures.
Brainstorming + Conceptualization using Typography
Newspaper Advertisment - Pain is never permanent ( SBF Healthcare )
Newspaper Advertisment - Pain forcing an early retirement ? ( SBF Healthcare )
Newspaper Advertisment - You donot have to live with the pain ( SBF Healthcare )
Newspaper Advertisment - Electromagnetic waves of Hope ( SBF Healthcare )
Article / Advertisement in The Prevention Magazine
Article / Advertisement in The Prevention Magazine
Print enhancement of " Pain " in the print advertisement in health magazines 
( Often Turned off by the Pain )
Symptoms of Osteoarthritis ( SBF Healthcare )
Only one hour a day for 21 days ( SBF Healthcare )
Campaign Sticker behind print advertisement ( SBF Healthcare )
SPMF Therapy does not have any sideffects ( SBF healthcare )
Infographic about Osteoarthritis and SPMF Therapy in Health Magazines with a list of FAQ's to help the audience understand better ( SBF Healthcare )
Infographic about Osteoarthritis and SPMF Therapy in Health Magazines with a list of FAQ's to help the audience understand better ( SBF Healthcare )
Causes and Symptoms of Osteoarthritis
Sequentially Programmed Magnetic Field Therapy (or) QMR Therapy
Advantages of SPMF Therapy over other treatments available
Details on SPMF Therapy and the Query form ( SBF Healthcare )
Brochure kept at point of sale ie. Hospitals
Dear Patient letter with infographic kept with doctors ( SBF Healthcare )
Dear Doctor letter with the infographic sent as a direct mailer ( SBF Healthcare )
Query form with infographic in envelops by SBF Healthcare
More than 6ft long infographic at point of sale
Care-tilage with SBF Healthcare
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