Brand nomenclature, strategy, identity design, art direction, and packaging graphics
for a frozen Indian food brand - DesiChef

With DesiChef, Asian Lakto had a vision of making Desi Indian food easily available at your home at any and every time. Asian Lakto wanted to step into the ‘Vegetarian Frozen Food Market’ and make DesiChef the go-to brand for authentic Frozen Food in India and overseas. The unique brand with a wide range of products in multiple categories needed an equally scalable visual design language that could be adapted to different products and categories seamlessly.

The brand identity captures the essence of the brand and appeals to an audience on a global level while sticking to its strong Indian roots. The hand drawn, calligraphic nature of the logo was inspired from the feeling of the consumer making something delicious for themselves, where the chef’s hat gives them the feeling of being a professional.
Having 30+ products in 4+ categories, the visual language, art direction for photography, and packaging graphics followed a systemic approach that could be extended for an ever expanding  product range. Different category colours help the consumer identify the different kinds of products.

The packaging graphics were designed in a way that they could communicate and provide consumers with the relevant information while maintaining the tone of the brand, through a narrative portrayed with the help of the packaging. The product imagery used was realistic that added to the honesty of the brand. The balance between healthy & tasty was portrayed through highlighting the different ingredients on each pack. This brought a modern aesthetic language while maintaining the appetising nature of the food product.
A stamp-like unit highlighted the claims and ‘Heat & Eat’ nature of the product on the front of the pack in the form of a seal of authenticity.

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